Several weeks ago, I auditioned for the Cincinnati May Festival Chorus at the urging of my family and former vocal coaches. I got the callback, so I'm officially a new member of the choir!
We are performing with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra throughout the season, with the first performance being Mahler's Symphony #2 on October 17 & 18. We will also be performing with the CSO with repertoire including Holst, Brahms German Requiem & others.
This is, in a nutshell, my dream gig. I have a degree in vocal music but I've never wanted to turn it into a job. With the May Festival Chorus--the oldest chorus in the Western Hemisphere with a nationally acclaimed director--I can perform challenging music with professional musicians but not rely on it to pay the rent.
After several rehearsals with the group, I can see why they are held in such high esteem. Every member seems to be fluent in the major operatic languages, able to sight-sing difficult music at the drop of a hat, and blends beautifully. I am so excited to be a part of this group! As performances approach I'll keep you updated and see if I can post some audio samples from our performances.